question 1

What is 3 and 1/20 in decimal form?

a) 3.2, b) 3.05, c) 3.5, d) 3.02, e) 3.25

question 2

Which of these is NOT a factor of 20?

a) 40, b) 5, c) 2, d) 10, e) 4

question 3

Which one of these fractions has the lowest denominator?

a) 5/6, b) 4/7, c) 2/9, d) 3/4, e) 7/3

question 4

What is 104?

a) 1000, b) 10000, c) 40, d) 400, e) 100000

question 5

If 80cm of ribbon costs 16p, how much will 2m cost?

a) 34p, b) 48p, c) 40p, d) 38p, e) 20p

question 6

If 3x + x = 2x + 2y , which of these statements is true?

a) x is greater than y, b) y is greater than x, c) More information is needed to descover the relationship between the two values, d) x = y, e) 2x = y

question 7

If you were to write down all the numbers from 1 to 100 inclusive, how many 9s would you have to write down?

a) 10, b) 11, c) 19, d) 20, e) 9

question 8

What is 1/5 + 7/15 (in its lowest form)?

a) 8/20, b) 8/15, c) 1 and 3/5, d) 2/3, e) 7/20

question 9

If a television costs £900 new, but has a 10% discount, how much does it cost in the sale?

a) £800, b) £810, c) £850, d) £820, e) £790

question 10

If the scale on a map is 1:10000, how long, in metres, will a 5cm road be in real life?

a) 50000, b) 50, c) 500, d) 5000, e) 5







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