- how are you going to get famous?
Start with question 1, and for each question answer yes or no. If the answer is yes, go to the question number next to the Y, and likewise, if the answer is no, go to the question number next to the N. When you get to a conclusion, simply click on it, and it will take you to that particular conclusion...
1. Are you always day-dreaming about your impending fame? Y=2, N=3
2. Are you confused about exactly how you will get famous? Y=5, N=4
3. Have you got useful contacts? Y=6, N=7
4. Would you like to become famous later on in life, rather than straight away? Y=9, N=8
5. Has anyone ever told you that you have a natural talent? Y=12, N=13
6. Would you try to use those contacts to further your career, if they were friends of friends of friends? Y=10, N=11
7. Are you quite lazy most of the time? Y=15, N=14
8. Do you think that people need something else apart from talent to get famous? Y=17, N=16
9. Would you be prepared to do anything to get famous? Y=16, N=8
10. Do you have a talent that is so unique you are bound to be famous? Y=4, N=18
11. Do you think you will ultimately need help to get famous? Y=10, N=20
12. Is becoming famous a metter of life or death to you? Y=13, N=23
13. Are you prepared to work hard to polish your talent? Y=21, N=9
14. Are you known for you original ideas? Y=22, N=15
15. Do you prefer working to going out? Y=24, N=11
16.Do you dream of a Hollywood lifestyle? Y=17, N=19
17. Is your life run by your desire to become famous? Y=CONCLUSION B, N=19
18. Do you want to be famous merely for the sake of being famous? Y=CONCLUSION C, N=25
19. Do you think that only talented people become famous? Y=CONCLUSION A, N=CONCLUSION B
20. Do you think that "It" girls really are "It"? Y=18, N=25
21. Would you try to keep your life exactly the same if you became famous? Y=CONCLUSION A, N=16
22. Would you ever stop trying to reach your ambition? Y=24, N=CONCLUSION D
23. Would you hate your area of work to be very highly publicised? Y=21, N=CONCLUSION A
24. Do you think that being happy is more important than being famous? Y=25, N=20
25. Do you think that who you rub shoulders with is more important than being clever? Y=CONCLUSION C, N=CONCLUSION D